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  • 2002-08-28 Michael Jackson to attend MTV Video Music Awards
    Michael Jackson will be attending the (American) MTV Video Music Awards on 29th August, the date of his 44th birthday.

    Michael will receive a "special award". He has no plans to perform.

    The show transmits live from New York City on MTV USA at 8.00pm ET.

    MTV UK and Ireland will be transmitting the show live at 1:00am BST on 30th August. Coverage begins at 12.30am (on the 29th).

    MTV Germany will transmit the show live at 2.00am, with coverage beginning at 00.30am CET.

    Most other MTV Europe channels, including MTV Nederlands and MTV Nordic will join forces to transmit the show live at 2.00am CET. Many will start coverage at 00.30am CET.

    MTV Europe will repeat the show at the following times (local variations may apply):

    Saturday 31st August at 11.00 CET
    Sunday 1st September at 13.00 CET and 21.00 CET

    source: MJ News International

  • 2002-07-17 Listen to "What More Can I Give"
    On 16th July 2002, Fox News uploaded an exclusive genuine extract of the unreleased single, What More Can I Give on their website.

    If you wish to hear the clip, which features Celine Dion, Ricky Martin and Luther Vandross and Mariah Carey as well as Michael Jackson himself, go to: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,57805,00.html
    mjshouse.com has mirrored the song "What More Can I Give" for your convenience.

    Fox's Roger Friedman, who presents the clip on Fox's website, has been notoriously negative about Michael Jackson but in recent days has become noticably less vitriolic.

    What More Can I Give was a song that Michael Jackson wrote and then recorded with a superstar cast to raise money for the families of the victims of the September 11th attacks on America. However, Sony Music refused to release the song.

  • 2002-07-04 Support the Release of "What More Can I Give"
    By the fall of 2001, Michael Jackson launched the WHAT MORE CAN I GIVE project, a charity single to benefit the families of the victims of September 11th.
    In early January 2002, the song "What More Can I Give" has been recorded by an all-star cast of more than 35 artists including Michael Jackson, Celine Dion, Usher, Mariah Carey, Ricky Martin, Gloria Estefan, Anastacia, *NSync, Carlos Santana, Julio Iglesias and Shakira.
    In addition to the English version of the track, a Spanish version was also recorded, titled "Todo Para Ti."

    Unfortunately, Sony Music has refused to release the song and have prevented Michael Jackson from releasing it through another record company.
    As of this day, "What More Can I Give" is a dead project. The talent and work of the artists who participated in this charitable effort has yet to be used.

    Marc Schaffel, the executive producer of the WHAT MORE CAN I GIVE project, has recently been interviewed by Pascale, one of Michael Jackson's most loyal fans.
    In an exclusive interview, Schaffel talks about the situation and the future of "What More Can I Give."

    Says Marc Schaffel, "Sony Music are punishing many innocent people who would have been the much needed beneficiaries of the proceeds [of this project]. This the most blatant disgusting act of Corporate greed. Sony should be ashamed of themselves and the public should not let them get away with this, without a stink."

    Asked about what the public could do to push Sony Music to release "What More Can I Give," Marc Schaffel answered: "Publicly bringing this [subject] to the attention of the world is the best thing to do. I know that hitting Sony in the pocket book, and bad PR, is another great way of ensuring this gets released and is done properly. The last thing we want is for this to be just 'dumped' out for the sake of the pressure being taken off and minimal funds being raised. All eyes need to be on the company that puts this out to make sure proper attention is given. I know the Sony shareholders are meeting soon. Maybe the last effort should be made to focus on them. If they understand how this issue could potentially hurt Sony both in PR and sales, they will demand the release or replace the people who are hindering this and have made this such a public spectacle for Sony. We need as much support now as ever. Every fan base from all the artist involved should be making the same demands. Charities that can show they give directly to the needy victims should be getting involved by publicly calling upon Sony to release this or let someone release this. They need to let Sony know not to 'Throw this away', you cannot just 'throw' people's lives away because it is not convenient for you at this time. The charities and all people alike need to join in by publicly showing the world how "stupid" this game is that the record company is playing, and get the victims to write, picket, demonstrate, contact the media, etc. Sony only hopes time will pass and this issue will go away, they do not want to face the public in a bad light. It would be so easy for them to put a little elbow grease behind this and do it properly. Raising a lot of funds would sure help close this wound and give the public a different view. One journalist told me that Sony's nonchalant response was that they already donated 13 million dollars in the past for charitable purposes, and they do not need to do this to prove anything to anyone. They refuse to be 'strong armed' into any fundraising effort. Maybe Sony needs to stop for a second and listen to the lyrics 'what more can I give' and then ask themselves that same question."

    To support the release of "What More Can I Give", please sign the petition at:


    Thank you to Pascale whose commitment and dedication have contributed greatly to the awareness of this cause.

    source: Planet Jackson

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