Welcome to Michael Jackson's House
Visit our Forum at http://forum.mjshouse.com/
"My deepest gratitude to the creator for his gift to me..." - Michael Jackson, Dangerous Album, 1991
I became the stars and the moon. I became the lover and the beloved. I became the victor and the vanquished. I became the master and the slave. I became the singer and the song. I became the knower and the known. I kept on dancing ... and dancing ... and dancing, until there is only ... the dance.
Your creativity and talent will be missed forever
Your fans will always love you truly
You will live forever in our hearts
Site News
2006-03-20 Site update
The recent release "MJ Visionary" from Sony was incorporated into the site, visit the news section for more information.
2003-12-23 Forum opened
It's there! The mjshouse.com forum has opened it's doors. You can reach it directly at http://forum.mjshouse.com/. There is a special section for Austrian Michael Jackson Fans, too.
2003-02-09 Transcript of "Living with Michael Jackson"
Added a page with excerpts of the programme transcript of "Living With Michael Jackson", the Martin Bashir interview with Michael.
